Covers all 37 Phase 3 and Phase 5 digraphs, trigraphs and split digraphs.

(Age range 4-7)

Ideal for children in Yr 1, Yr 2 or Reception (once they are confident with Phase 2 sounds)

Teaches the sounds children learn towards the end of Reception, as well as the sounds taught throughout Year 1

Sammy Sounds will take your child from non-reader to joyful, confident reader.

Introducing our Big Adventurers videos – your ultimate guide to mastering all 37 Phase 3 and Phase 5 digraphs, trigraphs, and split digraphs!

We believe that learning to read can be a fun, pressure free and effortless process for children and their grown ups! That's why our videos use a dynamic, theatrical and multi-sensory approach, ensuring that children love learning and have positive associations with reading.

Through our unique techniques, we equip children with the essential skills of blending and segmenting. Our playful and digestible methods make the learning process accessible and fun for young learners.

Our videos are not only aligned with the Department of Education's phonics criteria, but they're also designed to spark a genuine love for letters, words, and stories.

Plus, they'll boost your child's confidence in all things phonics, ensure they fall in love with reading and empower them to become skilled readers. With our courses, children gain the tools they need to unlock a world of literacy and embark on their reading adventures.

Join us on this exciting journey, where learning meets fun and literacy becomes a lifelong companion.


Get ready to dive into the incredible world of Phonics Land with Sammy Sounds!

Sammy Sounds videos will give your little one the tools to blend and segment sounds, igniting a confidence and joy for reading and writing that will last a lifetime.

Each video is jam-packed with stories, songs and games to ensure sounds are unforgettable.

Why should you jump aboard the Phonics Land train with Sammy Sounds? Well, hold onto your hats, because we've got some awesome reasons:

A learning experience children not only want to do, but beg to do!

‘Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success’ (The Department for Education’s recent Reading Framework – Teaching the Foundations of Literacy)

So, we don’t just want children to learn to read, we want them to fall in LOVE with reading and everything about it.

Sammy Sounds uses unique techniques that inject joy and imagination into the process – it is easy to get so caught up in the technicalities of learning to read that the purpose is lost. Which is why we believe imagination, adventure and storytelling must be at the heart of learning to read.

Gets results and ensure your child is bursting with confidence

We hear time and time again from parents who had tried everything to get their child to read, their child had been rapidly losing confidence in their phonics ability, until they met Sammy Sounds. We are delighted to be able to turn things around for them!

We want all children to have gorgeous, positive associations with reading, as we know how life changing that is. We believe that building confidence is the key and this is why it is at the heart of our courses!

Takes the stress out of learning to read - making it effortless for both you and your child!

With Sammy Sounds, children have so much fun they have no idea they are learning, which means they soak up the teaching effortlessly and develop a lifelong love of reading.

Plus, the added bonus is that you don’t feel overwhelmed by researching all things phonics, getting your head around the jargon and ensuring you are doing it all accurately as Sammy Sounds will do all the hard work for you.

A word from the horses mouth!

We are proud of the huge impact that we have made to children’s reading abilities. Nothing makes us happier than when a parent contacts us to say that their child is no longer struggling to read because Sammy Sounds has turned things around and their little one is now a happy, confident reader.

Watch the video below to hear what other parents have to say about Sammy Sounds

We can't wait to see you in Phonics Land with the:

Phase 3-5: Big Adventurer!

Subscribe for just £7.99 per month

7 DAY FREE TRIAL! Cancel Anytime (providing you cancel before your trial ends, no payment will be made).

A new episode is made available every 7 days.

Inject slapstick and adventure into phonics learning for your little one.

One of our kids has always been resistant to any kind of formal learning, but she’s always been happy to put Sammy Sounds on!

— Emma (parent)

"That was THE BEST £7.99 I have spent...why didn't I do it sooner?!"

— Hannah (parent)

We are only into week 1 and it has been requested daily! My son is also mesmerised! Thanks and can’t wait for next weeks class!"

— Cheryl (parent)

Join the fun now for

£7.99 per month (with a 7 day FREE TRIAL!)

Or choose our Annual Package to access all videos immediately and get our grown up guide included!

Prefer not to wait a whole week for your next episode of Sammy Sammy Sounds? Then choose our...

Annual Package

With our Annual Package you get immediate access to all of the Phase 3-5 videos and can watch them as much as you like for a whole year!

Our Annual Packages also include a wonderful bonus! Each Episode of Sammy Sounds also includes our


Getting to grips with phonics can be mind boggling for grown-ups and children. Our grown-ups guide has easy tips and fun games to bring phonics to life at home. Each video for children is accompanied by a short video for parents - with tips and ideas for teaching the sound at home in a fun, simple way.


Which course is best for my child?

We firmly believe that every child learns at the own pace. However for a rough guide we would suggest:

*Phase 1 (Dinky Adventurers) suits 2-3 year old toddlers or preschoolers who could use some additional support with speech and language development.

*Phase 2 (Budding Adventurers) works well for 3-5 year olds; either to support preschoolers preparing for school or for children already in Reception who are just starting their phonics journey.

* Phase 3-5 (Big Adventurers) is great for 5-7 year olds...Children towards the end of Reception (those who are already comfortable with their Phase 2 Sounds) or children in Year 1 or 2

If you are still unsure please can in touch and we will be happy to advise.

Can I get Sammy Sounds on an app?

Sure. If you go to the app store and search for 'thinkific', Once you have the thinkific app you can then search for 'Play Phonics with Sammy Sounds', from there just login to your Sammy Sounds account and enjoy your videos!

Why do I only get one video per week?

If you have joined one of our monthly subscription courses you will receive one new video per week as part of your subscription. A new video will arrive in your dashboard every week (this day will correspond with the day you started your subscription.

If you would prefer to access all of the videos in one go you can switch to our Annual Package. This way you can access all of the videos immediately and watch them as many times as you like over the year. (Just don't forget to cancel your monthly subscription if you decide to go for the Annual Package!)

How do I get Sammy Sounds on my smart TV?

Sammy Sounds is compatible with some smart TVs. However, for others you will need to get Sammy Sounds on the app. To do this you can go to the app store and search for 'thinkific', Once you have the thinkific app you can then search for 'Play Phonics with Sammy Sounds', from there just login to your Sammy Sounds account and enjoy your videos!

Where are my videos?

Simply log in to your account (click the log in option in the navigation bar) and your course will be waiting in your dashboard.

If you have joined one of our monthly subscription courses you will receive one new video per week as part of your subscription. A new video will arrive in your dashboard every week (this day will correspond with the day you started your subscription.

If you would prefer to access all of the videos in one go you can switch to our Annual Package. This way you can access all of the videos immediately and watch them as many times as you like over the year. (Just don't forget to cancel your monthly subscription if you decide to go for the Annual Package!)

How do I cancel my monthly subscription?

Please complete this form to cancel your subscription:

You'll receive an email to confirm your account has been cancelled (please note this can take 3 working days).

Once you have received the cancellation confirmation you will face no further monthly subscription charges (unless you are subscribed to any of our other courses). You will have access to your cancelled course until the end of your billing cycle.

If you have any questions at all please email

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