We are on a mission to get all children reading confidently and joyfully.

I'm Emmy

I'm creator of Sammy Sounds and I am an expert in making learning to read joyful and effortless for both children and their grown-ups.

I am on a mission to get all children reading confidently and joyfully as I know what it feels like to dread reading aloud. I personally really struggled with learning to read, my memories of learning to read are pretty murky and grey, which is why during our adventures in Phonics Land the sky is golden and sometimes rains glitter - I want all children to have gorgeous, positive associations with reading, as I know how life changing that is. 

I teach children to read as I know how crippling it is to be an unconfident reader and I know that it is completely avoidable for most children. I remember the first time I ever led a Play Phonics with Sammy Sounds session in a primary school. I had a meeting with the deputy head afterwards and she was adamant that she wanted all children in Reception to access the session (rather than just those struggling) because, and I quote ‘all children can learn kinesthetically but not all children can learn academically’. That stayed with me ever since, and I often wonder why if not all children can learn academically we so often teach 4-7 year olds in this way!

I have seen first hand how confidence is key in learning to read. When learning a new skill we must be willing to have a go and fail, it is how we learn, and reading is no different. However, in my 10 years of teaching phonics I have seen too many children so scared of getting it wrong they are unable to have a go. This prevents them from progressing.

I could see that this was holding so many children back from reaching their true potential and it is exactly why Sammy Sounds was created. It is why we use drama to teach phonics…the drama allows children to lose themselves in the adventure of it all and leave their inhibitions behind. Before they know it they are having a go at everything and calling out answers to all the questions as they are focussed on the drama rather than getting it right/wrong. The impact this has on progress is staggering.

On top of this, the drama helps nurture young imaginations and also ensures that children are having an absolute ball whilst learning to read, which, I think, is how it should be.

Sammy Sounds came about during my years as an actor (I was an actor for 10 years, performing on the West End, regional tours as well as the odd bit of telly and commercials!) Between acting jobs I worked as a teaching assistant in primary schools (Funnily enough when I was younger I spent a lot of time wanting to be a teacher or drama therapist...I then got attracted to the bright lights of the West End for a while! Funny how things sort of came full circle) Whilst I was working as a teaching assistant I often supported children during their phonics classes. I very quickly noticed how for some children sitting and listening for long periods could be a real challenge. I saw how quickly those children started to lose confidence and decide that reading was not for them.

As someone who struggled with this kind of learning in school, I really identified with them and knew that it wasn't that they couldn't do it, it's just that a more physical, playful approach would be far more effective. I was inspired to develop a new approach that would make phonics learning accessible, exciting and joyful to all children. Sammy Sounds was born and beautifully combined my love of teaching, passion for drama and personal experience in reading challenges.

I have two daughters (one is well versed in all things Sammy Sounds as she is just going into Year 4, and the other has it all to look forward to as she has just turned 1 years old!) We live with my actor husband in South London,

Sammy Sounds has been teaching children to read for over 10 years! I am hugely proud of the impact Sammy Sounds has had on children’s learning, the difference it has made to so many children and I am eager to make a difference to more children.

Play Phonics with Sammy Sounds is a fresh approach to teaching children to read.

We have helped more than 10,000 children learn to read confidently and joyfully.


‘Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success’

(The Department for Education’s recent Reading Framework – Teaching the Foundations of Literacy)

So, we don’t just want children to learn to read, we want them to fall in LOVE with reading and everything about it.

Sammy Sounds does this by using unique techniques that inject joy and imagination into the process – it is easy to get so caught up in the technicalities of learning to read that the purpose is lost. Which is why we believe imagination, adventure and storytelling must be at the heart of learning to read.

On-demand and interactive phonics drama videos

Watch the video below to see Sammy Sounds in action!

Parent's feedback

The development was astounding...it has blown me away...it really has made such a difference in a short space of time. Keep doing what you are doing as it is clearly working.

(Samantha, parent)

I absolutely love this phonics programme. It's my son's favourite activity during the week. It's so interactive, and explains the more complicated aspects of the English language in a way that children can really grasp whilst having so much fun....Feeling blessed, and would totally recommend this package!

(Bunge, parent)

She joined in all the songs and all the actions, she threw herself into the class, joined in all the songs and all the actions, it was just brilliant.

(Laura, parent)


5 effortless ways to get your child reading.

Want to get your child reading in a playful, stress free way? Download our simple guide now.


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